Consider This

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Resources used in "A Christian Worldview and Environmentalism."

“Can an evolutionist celebrate earth day?” – Edd Starr http://www.answersingenesis. org/docs2006/0422earthday.asp (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Christian reluctance to jump on global warming bandwagon attributed to skepticism of evolution.” – Michael Oard (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“The ‘greenness’ of God.” – Andrew Lansdown http://www.answersingenesis. org/ creation/v15/i1/greenness.asp (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“How should a Christian view environmentalism?” – (?) (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Christian Environmentalism: is the Bible Green?” – Wendy Dawn (Last retrieved 4-6-09)

“Bible prophecy and environmentalism” – Todd Strandberg (Last retrieved 4-6-09)

 “The Bible and the Environment” – Richard T. Ritenbaugh (Last retrieved 4-6-09)

The Green Bible: Environmentalism Gone Awry” – Scott Diekmann http://stand-firm. (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Should Christians Be Green?” – Angela (?) 2007/09/ 27/should-christians-be-green-2/ (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Should Christians Go Green?” – Daniel Ausbun (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Christians: Don't Do Earth Day” – Don Bosch't-do-earth-day/1H88XOWZ3D2C9O3JAL2YZ3WZ28PY (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

“Evangelicals Go Green -- Will Conservative Candidates Follow Suit?” – Christina Caron (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

A Brief History of the Modern Green Movement in America” – Sara (?) (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

 “Quotations about the Environment” (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

The truth about the destructive religion of Environmentalism” (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

The Green Bible” (Last retrieved on 4-6-09)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


This blog is no longer in operation (and hasn't been for months) and may eventually be deleted. However, I have created another blog which can be accessed at


Friday, January 26, 2007

By now most people have probably heard about the woman in California who died after drinking too much water. According to the Associated Press, Jennifer Lea Strange, 28, joined a radio contest in which contestants competed to see who could drink the most water without relieving themselves. The prize was a new Wii gaming console. Reportedly, Strange's family is filing a lawsuit against the radio station, claiming that "the DJs on the 'Morning Rave' program on KDND-FM knew of the potential dangers of drinking too much water, yet went ahead with the contest anyway." The AP story also says that the Strange, as well as other contestants, complained of "medical symptoms," but, the lawsuit states, the DJ's "verbally chastised and otherwise coerced her, exhorting her to remain in the contest by threatening that she would be disqualified if she 'puked.'"

My friends, may I ask of you what exactly became of personal responsibility? Has anyone thought to question the woman's common sense in going along with the game that ultimately led to her death? Even if she didn't know that drinking approximately two gallons of water would kill her, why did she not stop when "her head hurt and [she] noted that her belly was so swollen she looked pregnant."

And even if the DJ's did know that the game they were hosting was potentially dangerous, what of it? Lest one think I am trying to excuse them, I'm not. But I still believe that a certain amount of responsibility should be placed on the contestant.

It's so telling on our modern society. We are always trying to blame someone else for our problems. (We're also trying to find yet one more excuse to sue somebody.) It's not a new tactic. It happened in the Garden of Eden and it continues today.

Sure, maybe other people are guilty for one reason or another, but that does not acquit us of our wrongdoings. As Jesus said, "First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye." (Luke 6:42) Something to remember when you're tempted to unload all the blame on someone else.